Most of the collectable uniform has sold - here are some uniforms remaining
- Royal artillery 1939 pattern boots
- slouch hats
- French naval shirt
- RAN suits, pants, caps, shirts and collars
- 1943 RAAF great coat - V523
- RAAF sport blazer, suit, shirt
- 1950 white shirts and collars
- 1880/1890 lieutenant tunic Princess Charlotte's or 1st Kings's regiment
- White cotton tunics and trousers
- coloured mess jacket
- white mess kit
- trousers
- souveniers
- books
- braces
- underwear
- collars
- spats
- leggings
- some webbing
- South Australian Scottish Regiment MacKenzie kilt and sporran
- Also civilian Jackets, kilts and sporrans
- Vintage 50s to 70s SA Traffic Police cap with Badge, cadet and officers' uniforms and cap. Sturt pea motif tie.
1930s to 1960s uniforms
- South Australian tram and railways, coats, uniforms and caps
- St John's ambulance, uniform and cap
- South Australian Police uniforms, caps tunics and RM Williams Bedford cord jodhpurs 1950's to 1960's
- MTT, Municipal Tramways Trust,
- nursing uniforms,
- marching band
- Salvation Army.
- scouts caps and hats
other coloured jackets and tails 1800's to 1940's
Here are reference photos of significant Victorian to Vietnam era military uniforms which went to a private museum.